2017 MRASH Agenda

Tuesday, November 14

8:00-9:00 am Registration, exhibit setup
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome by GPCAH Director Renée Anthony, PhD, CIH, CSP
9:15 -10:15

Integrating Agricultural Safety and Health into Best Business Practices Dick Wittman, MBA, Idaho Rancher & Farm Business Consultant

Dick Wittman is former manager and board chair of a 20,000-acre crop, cattle and timber operation in Idaho and also provides consulting services on a part‑time basis to agri-busi­nesses and farmer/ranchers.  After receiving degrees in Ag Economics from the University of Idaho and an MBA from the University of Utah, Wittman worked for the Farm Credit System from 1972-1980 concluding his lending career with the Farm Credit Administration in Washing­ton, D. C., where he supervised Farm Credit operations covering 17 states in the East, mid‑West, and Southern U. S.


10:15 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 12:00

Panel:  Perspectives on Best Business Practices Integrating Ag Safety and Health

Moderator Ellen Duysen, Coordinator, CS-CASH.


·       Mary Foley Balvanz, MS, Leadership Training Manager, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation

·       Mike Keenan, Area Senior Vice President of Loss Control, Arthur J Gallagher & Co

·       Gretchen Mosher,MS, PhD, Ag & Biosystems Engineering, ISU

·       Dick Wittman, MBA, Wittman Consulting


12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch. Special lunch space for students and agricultural safety and health career representatives.
1:00 – 2:00 First round of breakout sessions

1.     Feedback survey metrics development from The Grain Handling Safety Coalition Train the Trainer:  Jaime Thissen; NIOSH Trainee, SURGE Fellow, Sequoyah Fellow; Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Grain Handling Safety Coalition.

2.     Training Supervisors to Protect Youth Working in Agriculture:  Diane Rohlman, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Iowa.

1.     Building Capacity for Nurse Practitioners to Advance Total Farmer HealthSM: Natalie Roy, MPH, and Carolyn Sheridan, RN, BSN.

2.     Infection Control Practices and Zoonotic Disease Risk Among Utah Practicing Veterinarians: Kerry A. Rood, MS, DVM, Utah State University.

1.     AgrAbility 101 – An introduction to the Who, What, When, Why and Where of AgrAbility:  JoBeth Rath, National AgrAbility Project Partner – Goodwill of the Finger Lakes.

2.      You Snooze, YOU WIN!:  Emily Freudenburg, Rural Rehabilitation Specialist – Nebraska AgrAbility

2:00 – 2:15 Break
2:15 – 3:15 Second round of breakout sessions

1.     All-Terrain Vehicle Exposure & Crash Experiences of Iowa FFA Members:  Charles Jennissen, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.

2.     AgHealth-Balance: developing a self-evaluation tool for balance stability: Jung-Hung Chien, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

1.     Agricultural Injury Surveillance: Kelsie Musil, MPH, MS, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

2.     AgriSafe Hazard Mapping for Young Producers: Charlotte Halverson, BSN, COHN-S, AgriSafe Network.

1.     Evaluating and Using Apps and Wearable Technology for Agricultural Workers:  Aaron Yoder, PhD., Assistant Professor, Environmental, Agricultural and Occupational Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center.
3:15 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 4:30 Third round of breakout sessions: Roundtables

Promoting Engineering Approaches to All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Agricultural Safety:  Gerene Denning, PhD and Charles Jennissen, MD, University of Iowa Emergency Medicine.
Social Media in Ag: Jenna Gibbs, MPH, PhD, Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health, University of Iowa;  Ash Bruxvoort, Women Food and Agriculture Network Communications Coordinator; Will Fett, Executive Director, Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation; Ellen Duysen, Coordinator, CS-CASH; Greg Wallace, Extension Organizational Advancement, Iowa State University.
Assistive Tools & Technology:  Shawn Ehlers, PhD, National AgrAbility Project and Breaking New Ground, Purdue University: JoBeth Rath, National AgrAbility Project Partner – Goodwill of the Finger Lakes.
4:30 – 6:00 Poster Session Reception: hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, and live music by Marc Janssen and Merle Hall.  Followed by dinner on your own


Wednesday, November 15

8:00-8:45am Registration
8:45 – 9:35 Concurrent Panels
9:35-9:45 Break and Move into Table Groups
9:45 – 11:00

Getting Your Message Out:  Crafting Effective Messages:  Linda E. Laine, Ph.D,

Communication Studies Chair, Central College

11:00 – 11:10 Break
11:10 – 11:30  I-CASH Youth Grant and Hall of Fame Awards

Immigrant Farm Worker Health Issues:  Mark Grey and Michele Devlin

Mark A. Grey, Ph.D. is Professor of Applied Anthropology at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), and Chair of the new BAS program in Tactical Emergency Services with Vulnerable Populations.  He is also Adjunct Research Professor with the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and a specialist in mass human migration and emergency response. Dr. Grey is founder of the UNI New Iowan’s Center, an award-winning program that provides technical assistance and training to law enforcement agencies, intelligence units, emergency managers and emergency medical personnel dealing with the unique challenges associated with influxes of immigrant and refugee newcomers.

Dr. Michele Devlin is Professor of Global Public Health, Chair of the Division of Health Promotion and Education, and Co-Director of the BAS in Tactical Emergency Services with Vulnerable Populations program at the University of Northern Iowa. She is also founder of the Iowa Center on Health Disparities there, a model organization established by the National Institutes of Health to improve health equity for underserved populations, and Director of the UNI Global Health Corps humanitarian relief organization.

12:30 – 1:15 Luncheon
1:15 – 5:00 Choose one of two in-depth workshops:
AgrAbility Worksite Assessment Training:
Agricultural workers with disabilities or chronic conditions may need assistive technology or  modifications to their worksites to continue their operation.  The Worksite Assessment training will take place at JVM Cattle Company in Pella, IA, focusing on the review of the worksite based upon the disability experienced and the assistive technology and modifications that could create a safe and accessible worksite.

Any adaptations proposed also need to be reviewed for the potential of secondary injury.

Join Dr. Shawn Ehlers, Assistive Technology Professional from Purdue University’s Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department as we explore a farm, looking at potential challenges for an individual with disabilities, and the potential modifications and assistive technology that may be available to resolve those challenges.

Basic Strategies for Farm Related Emergencies:
Wayne Bauer from Emergency Services Rescue Training, Inc., will give participants an overview of an assortment of farm related emergencies.  The awareness level presentation will teach emergency responders how to recognize and initially manage various hazards that they will encounter while arriving at the scene of an agricultural emergency and how to effectively preplan for farm related emergencies in their communities. It is also appropriate for farm families, often the first on the scene of a farm emergency.  Topics to be addressed include: fires, grain engulfment, confined spaces, vehicle rollovers, electrical emergencies, chemicals, and large animals.