GPCAH Projects Funded for 2022-2027 Cycle
Click on the titles below to view more information about each project, including updates.
Advancing Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) Exposure Control in Agriculture – Nathan Fethke, PhD, PI
Community Campaign to Reduce Farm-Vehicle Roadway Crashes– Cara Hamann, PhD, PI and Laura Schwab-Reese, PhD, PI (Purdue University)
Design and Evaluation of a Control Technology for Dust and Bioaerosol in Swine Buildings – Matthew Nonnenmann, PhD, PI and Thomas Peters, PhD, PI
Farm Safety for Rural Families Coping with Dementia – PI Kanika Arora, PhD, PI and Julie Bobitt, PhD, PI (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Great Plains Center Pilot/Feasibility Projects Program – Nathan Fethke, PhD, PI