2025 Pilot Grants Promotional Toolkit

The GPCAH is promoting Pilot Grant program through social media, newsletters, websites, and digital signage. This document has been provided so you may promote the pilot grants through your own media outlets. We thank you for your help in sharing the message! Please feel free to use any or all of these items to promote this year’s call for proposals. If you have any questions, contact kimberlee-mcmichael@uiowa.edu.

Share this news in just a few easy steps

1. Copy and paste the newsletter/website information into your newsletter and add to your event information (see below). 

2. Use the chart below to copy and paste social media posts and click on the graphics to access and download the accompanying graphics. We will be posting January-June 2025, but feel free to post whenever is most convenient for you.

3. Click on the button below to download a 16:9 digital slide for media screens.

Newsletter/Website Blurb

Click on the image below to access a downloadable PDF.

Picture of PDF

Text for website/posting/etc.:

The Great Plains Center funds pilot projects (up to $30,000 per project) intended to promote innovative outreach and research efforts to prevent agricultural injury and illness. The pilot program supports both community-based organizations and academic researchers, especially new investigators and trainees. Proposals addressing mental health, chemical safety, equipment/tool safety, and prevention of slips, trips, and falls are especially encouraged in the 2024-25 application cycle. However, any topic of relevance to the GPCAH mission and/or NIOSH priority goals for the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing industry sector is welcome.

April 1, 2025:  Community concept project due

June 6, 2025: Deadline

Learn more about GPCAH Pilot Grants here: https://bit.ly/2024GPCAHpg

Questions? Send an email to kimberlee-mcmichael@uiowa.edu

Social media posts & links to graphics

Social Media Post

Link to graphic (right click mouse, select “save image as” to save to your computer and upload to social media)

GPCAH Pilot grant applications are open! The center is funding projects up to $30,000 (per project) that are intended to promote innovative outreach and research efforts to prevent agricultural injury and illness.

For more information: https://bit.ly/2024GPCAHpg

#farmsafety #grants #research #publichealth #agsafety

GPCAH Call for Pilot Grants - February social media post

GPCAH is currently accepting pilot proposals. Proposals addressing falls prevention, equipment and tool safety, chemical safety, and work-related stress and mental health in the agricultural community are especially encouraged. Apply today: https://bit.ly/2024GPCAHpg

#fallsprevention #chemicalsafety #mentalhealth #grants #tractorsafety

GPCAH Pilot Grant promo - April 11 social media

GPCAH is currently accepting pilot proposals. Proposals addressing falls prevention, equipment and tool safety, chemical safety, and work-related stress and mental health in the agricultural community are especially encouraged. For more information: https://bit.ly/2024GPCAHpg

#fallsprevention #chemicalsafety #mentalhealth #grants #tractorsafety

GPCAH Call for Pilot Grant applications - May 16 social media