Webinar – May 10 12:00 – 1:00pm CDT
Suicide and the agriculture way of life: What you need to know
Description: This webinar will help identify some of the risks and protective factors that farmers face related to suicide. It will give attendees some tools and strategies to identify if someone is at risk, to ask difficult questions, and find resources for additional support.
Presenter Bio:
Shauna Reitmeier, MSW, has over 20 years of experience in the behavioral healthcare and cognitive disabilities fields. She currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Northwestern Mental Health Center in Northwest Minnesota.

In response to growing concerns about the lack of resources and support for farm workers and families who are facing difficult economic conditions and higher rates of suicide in rural and agricultural communities, the U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers are actively participating in Mental Health Month (May 2019). According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide remains a significant public health concern and is among the top ten causes of death nationwide. Farmers have been identified as a high-risk population, with suicide rates consistently above those of the general population. Farm work includes many factors that are also related to suicide risk, including economic volatility, social isolation, and managing chronic pain. Stigma and privacy concerns in the agricultural community are associated with mental health issues.
The campaign begins April 29, 2019, and runs through May 26, 2019.
Week 1: Science of Stress and Suicide Risk
Week 2: Referral Resources
Week 3. Prevention of Substance Abuse
Week 4: Cultivating Resiliency
Week 5: Break the Stigma
We encourage your organization to participate!
- Show your support by updating your organization’s website and Facebook cover photo with the suggested Green Ribbon graphic on page 3. Facebook Profile pics can be adjusted with Green Ribbon in the bottom corner: //bit.ly/2K1DJSC
- Throughout May, post the social media messages found in the social media kit, or create your own posts using the hashtags #MentalHealthAwareness #USAgCenters #WhyCare #GreenRibbon #CureStigma. Remember to tag individual organizations on posts if relevant.
- Participate in the free webinar on May 10th at 12:00pm CDT. Click HERE for details.
- Get involved in the conversation. Follow, retweet and share mental health awareness messages on Twitter and Facebook. Aim to share or post one message every other day.
- Contact media outlets to have PSAs run on the local radio, help circulate a press release, or partner with a spokesperson to write an Op-ed.
- Share resources this month! There are plenty of links provided in the social media kit.
Would you like to participate in the campaign?