Intermediate Ag Health
This web page contains materials for our combined “online modules” that we have previously presented with our 40-hour course. We have 11 one-hour modules available to introduce students to many hazards on the farm.
These courses are designed to be taken on a computer, with a pre- and post-test integrated into each course. Each course is stand-alone, taking generally one hour to complete.
Intermediate Ag Health modules are hosted on the Training Source website. After clicking on one of the courses below, Training Source will ask participants to create a username and password to continue to the online modules. Please remember the username and password.

Flexible online modules can be used individually, in class, and for work-training programs. Certification of completion is available.
Continuing Education Credit Statements
These courses have been approved for continuing education credit for the following professions (details available in course materials):
- Nurse/Nurse Practitioner – ANCC contact hour(s)
- Pharmacist/Pharmacy Technician – ACPE contact hour(s)
- Physician – AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
- Other Health Care Providers – A certificate of participation stating the number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ the course awards will be available after successful completion of the course. (It is the responsibility of licensees to determine if this continuing education activity meets the requirements of their professional licensure board.)
Overview: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
The goal of agricultural safety and health is to prevent injury and illness that arise from work in the agricultural sector. Est. time: 1 hour
Occupational Diseases of the Lung in Agricultural Settings
The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify occupational diseases of the lungs in agricultural settings and recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in agricultural workplace. Est. time: 1 hour.
Occupational Skin Disorders in Agriculture
The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify common skin diseases in agricultural settings and recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in agricultural workplace. Est. time: 1 hour
Musculoskeletal Disorders among Agricultural Workers
The goal of this course is to provide an overview of common disorders to the muscles/skeletal system experienced by farming operations. This covers hazards and work practices that increase risks and identifies prevention strategies. Est. time: 1 hour
Physical Agents for Agricultural Health
The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to identify hazards (e.g. noise, thermal stress) in the agricultural environment recognize potential worker health effects associated with these hazards, and apply controls to prevent injury and illness in the agricultural workplace. Est. time: 1 hour
PPE for Agricultural Health
The goal of this course is for rural health and safety professionals to be able to recognize the responsibilities of employers and employees when using PPE in the workplace and apply methods for the proper selection of PPE. Est. time: 2 hours
Transportation Hazards in Agriculture
The goal of Transportation Hazards in Agriculture is to provide an overview of transportation hazards in agriculture and understand how to minimize and prevent injuries. Est time: 1 hour
Off-Road Vehicle Hazards
Hazards Associated with Livestock Handling
The goal of Hazards Associated with Livestock Handling is to cover information relating to animal handling that place individuals at risk for injury or illness. Est. time: 1 hour
Illness & Injury Prevention among Animal Caretakers
The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the hazards for individuals that handle or treat livestock on a regular basis. Animal caretakers engage in demanding tasks moving livestock and equipment and may be inadvertently kicked, bitten, or exposed to biological hazards. Est time: 1 hour
Biological Risk Management
The goal of Biological Risk Management (BRM) is to introduce the concept of BRM, disease transmission, and how to minimize the risk of disease. Est. time: 1 hour
Additional Ag Safety Courses
Protecting Young Workers in Agriculture (English)
The goal of this course is to provide people who hire, teach, or supervise young agricultural workers strategies to protect their workers. Topics include why young workers are at risk for injuries on the farm, supervision, teaching, and communication methods.
Protecting Young Workers in Agriculture (Español)
El objetivo de este curso es ofrecerle estrategias a las personas que contratan, enseñan o supervisan a jóvenes trabajadores agrícolas, para protoger a los trabajadroes. Los temas incluyen por qué los trabajadores jóvenes corren el riesgo de sufrir lesiones en la granja, los métodos de supervisión, enseñanza y comunicación.
For information on the other components of our Ag Safety & Health Core Courses, click the button below: