Help us protect farmers’ health!
The Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health at the University of Iowa is surveying healthcare providers to better understand the health and safety needs of agricultural workers in your community. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.
Agriculture remains one of the deadliest U.S. occupations, with fatality rates higher than mining and construction. We are relying on your insights to help us identify the most urgent health and safety concerns agricultural workers face. We would also like to know what resources would be most useful to you to better serve your patients who engage in agricultural work.
Your survey answers will be kept confidential and we will not contact you again about this survey after receiving your response. All respondents will be entered in a drawing for one of four boxes of earplugs to distribute to patients.
If you would like more information or have any questions about this survey, please contact us by email at or by phone at 319-384-3817.
Thank you for your time on this important topic!
Click here to print the survey and then fax to 319.384.1519.
Click on the photos below to discover important information about farm safety.