FarmSafe Podcast
S1E1 | Introducing FarmSafe and the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health
Published August 20, 2021. Hosted by Kate Crawford.
Episode Summary
Welcome to the FarmSafe podcast. Farming is a dangerous job and there are a variety of hazards involved. In this introductory episode, GPCAH researchers and partners talk about their work to help keep farmers safe and healthy.
You will first hear from this season’s host, Kate Crawford, PhD. In order of appearance, we talked with Ralph Altmaier, MS, Kayla Faust, PhD, our center director Renée T. Anthony, PhD, Matthew Nonnenman, PhD (University of Nebraska), Kanika Arora, PhD, Nate Fethke, PhD, Jenna Gibbs, PhD, Diane Rohlman, PhD, and Brandi Janssen, PhD.