In the news:
- Top 5 mistakes that lead to spray drift problems. Meaghan Anderson, ISU Extension. Wallace’s Farmer May 2017
- Soybean spraying tips. Clarke McGrath, ISU Extension. Wallace’s Farmer May 2017
- Drift control’s most important year, by far. Eric Stiligoj. CropLife Online May 2017
Spring Application Tips:
Tip 1: Always read the herbicide label.
- Use databases at CDMS ( or Greenbook ( to look up your product label if you do not have one.
- Always read the “Safety Data Sheet” to learn about human health effects, and to check the exposure controls and personal protective equipment (e.g., safety goggles, gloves, respirators) required.
- To find further information on how to reduce spray drift for 2,4-D and dicamba, check the product manufacturer’s websites for spray nozzle types and approved tank mixes.
- Contact your local agricultural extension agent if you are having difficulty interpreting the labels.
Tip 2: Know what is located on adjacent properties.
- Talk with neighbors about spray timing, and learn what is growing on properties surrounding the applied field.
- Check product labels specifically for buffer zone requirements, nozzle types, and sensitive area precautions. (E.g. Engenia(R) dicamba products require a minimum of 110 ft downwind buffer.
- Take special precautions when spraying in areas near other humans– such as homes ,schools, and busy roadways.
- Identify other nearby properties with specialty crops. Fourteen states (including IA, IL, IN, KS, MN, NE, and WI) now have sensitive crops identified on a Field Watch map, for public viewing (https://driftwatch/org/map).
Special thanks to ISU Extension Agent, Meaghan Anderson.