FarmSafe Podcast
S1E17 | Pilot Spotlight – Stress on the Farm: Strategies to Help Each Other
Published April 20, 2022. Hosted by Kate Crawford.
Episode Summary
The Great Plains Center funds pilot projects that promote innovative outreach and research efforts to prevent agricultural injury and illness. In this episode, we talk with Dr. David Brown, the behavioral health state specialist at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, about his pilot project that provided suicide prevention trainings for over 4300 producers and landowners in Iowa. This is the first episode where we talk to pilot grant recipients about their projects, what they did, and how they got the ideas for them.
“We knew that farmers and producers had a lot higher rate of suicide than the general population. We also knew that they had a lot higher rate of depression and anxiety than the general population, and so we felt it was important to get out and to start the conversation about suicide prevention in the agricultural community.”