The 6th Annual Occupational Health & Safety Student Research Conference will take place at the University of Iowa College of Public Health (145 N. Riverside Drive, Iowa City) on Friday, April 22. This event provides an opportunity for students, faculty, and collaborators across campus and the region to learn about innovative occupational health and safety research being conducted by students, and gives students an opportunity to showcase their research in this important field.
The half-day conference (9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Callaghan Auditorium and the Atrium) will feature a keynote presentation, Q&A, student poster presentations, and a professional development panel dedicated to having difficult conversations in the field. Questions? Contact
The keynote speaker will be Athena Ramos, PhD, MBA, MS, CPM. Dr. Ramos is an assistant professor in the Center for Reducing Health Disparities, The College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Keynote presentation: To be announced.
CPH Students: Posters that need to be printed are due to CPH IT by Friday, April 15. Poster boards will be available beginning at 9:00 A.M. on April 22 for you to hang your poster prior to the event.
Poster Guidelines and Info:
- Display boards are approximately 4′ x 6′.
- Tell us if you will be presenting a poster on the registration form.
- Students will stand by their posters during the designated poster session. Onsite registration will begin at 9:00 a.m., so you will be able to hang your poster at that time.
- You may present a poster that has already been printed. If you need to print a poster that has been accepted, you may do so through CPH IT and the ERC will pay for it. The deadline for submitting your poster for printing to CPH IT is Friday, April 15.
Thank you to the conference co-sponsors!
Heartland Center for Occupational Health & Safety
Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest
UI Injury Prevention Research Center