FarmSafe Podcast
S1E9 | Lighting and Marking in Agricultural Vehicles
Published December 8, 2021. Hosted by Kate Crawford.

Part of our National Farm Safety and Health Week 2024 series!
Episode Summary
“One of the big challenges with farm equipment on the roadway is that they’re large vehicles and they tend to move slowly and that actually makes it more difficult for drivers of other vehicles to see and judge their speed.” In this episode, we are going to be talking about lighting and marking to increase visibility of farm vehicles and equipment on roadways. Reflective tape and slow-moving vehicle emblems draw other driver’s attention to the agricultural vehicle which may give them more time to adjust their speed and decrease the likelihood of a crash. We heard from Dr. Corinne Peek-Asa and the outreach coordinator for the Great Plains, Marsha Cheyney, MPH. GPCAH resources are available on this website.