FarmSafe Podcast
S3E11 | General Farm Emergency Preparedness
Published April 3, 2024. Hosted by Libby Presnall.
Episode Summary
This episode focuses on emergency preparedness on the farm. We talked with extension educator and dairy farmer, Emily Krekelberg, about general tips that can help farmers plan for emergency situations. During the episode, we share information on the key pieces of information that should be gathered to construct an emergency action plan that covers weather-related events and other scenarios, such as entrapments or medical emergencies.
Episode Resources
Farm First Aid Graphic, GPCAH
Farm Emergency Plan: Tips and Guidance, Purdue University
Livestock Preparedness Fact Sheet, USDA
Emergency Farm Plan Electronic Template, bulletin E-2575ET, MSU Extension
Episode Contacts
To Order a Farm First-Aid Kit: Jayne Curtis | email: | phone: 844-642-2338 ext. 2371 or 888-844-6322
Matison Howard, graduate student focused in emergency preparedness: