FarmSafe Podcast
S3E12 | Community Building for Rural Response to Emergencies
Published April 17, 2024. Hosted by Libby Presnall.

Part of our National Farm Safety and Health Week 2024 series!
Episode Summary
In this episode, we will explore the topic of emergency preparedness and response in the rural environment. Brian Feist, BSN, RN, and Emergency Preparedness Clinical Subject Matter Expert, and Dr. Richard Sidwell, trauma surgeon at Iowa Methodist, dive into community building and how it relates to preparedness and response efforts for rural emergencies. “One advantage that the small communities have is a depth of social capital. People want to help; people want to be involved with community. People have that community pride. Have social organizations be part of the disaster plan.”
Episode Resources
Stop the Bleed® Program, The American College of Surgeons
Alert Iowa, Homeland Security
File for Life Folder,, FEMA