FarmSafe Podcast
S3E5 | Grain Bin Safety, Part 1: Motivation and Tips to Prevent Engulfment
Published January 10, 2024. Hosted by Libby Presnall.

Part of our National Farm Safety and Health Week 2024 series!
Episode Summary
This is our first episode in a series on grain bins leading up to grain bin safety week. We hear a farmer story from Norm Deets on an extremely close call on the farm, resulting from grain entrapment. Our expert, Emily Krekelberg, starts off this series by discussing precautions and proper equipment (PPE) needed before entering a bin.
Episode Resources
Grain Engulfment and Entrapment, GPCAH
Grain Storage Structure Entry Procedures, Grain Handling Safety Coalition
Job Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment, Grain Handling Safety Coalition