FarmSafe Podcast
S3E6 | Grain Bin Safety, Part 2: Considerations for Preparing Bins for Grain
Published January 24, 2024. Hosted by Libby Presnall.
Episode Summary
In this episode of FarmSafe, we hear from Anita Howard. She lost her 18-year-old son in a tragic grain bin incident in 2019. Anita maintains that it was 100% preventable if he had known what precautions to take. Our experts in this episode are Kristina TeBockhorst and Rich Gassman. Kristina will be our guide through this grain bin series. Rich will appear again too!
Episode Resources
Caught in Grain: Safety Precautions, North Dakota State University Extension
Grain Safety Shorts: Aeration – why, when, and how?, by Kristina TeBockhorst
Grain Safety Shorts: Bin Prep, by Kristina TeBockhorst