Materials for Health Care Providers to Post or Give to Patients
Farmers indicate that the most trusted source of agricultural health information is their healthcare provider. However, rural healthcare providers have indicated they have little information on both the risk factors facing farmers or on recommendations for prevention.
Materials presented here were designed to help bridge this gap in knowledge. The materials, below, contain files that can be downloaded and printed (in-house or with online vendors) that are then suitable for healthcare providers to post or give to patients. The GPCAH hopes that these materials will introduce these risk factors to healthcare providers and open a dialog on risk and prevention in rural communities. The more we talk about health and safety hazards and injury prevention on the farm, the more we can help protect everyone.
The goal is to get practitioners and patients talking about risk factors that hurt farmers across the Midwest. These topics were selected as a first step to start this dialogue. Let us know if you have additional topics that would be helpful for you to obtain.
CONTACT US at with questions or additional topics of interest.
Postcards, Posters, Brochures, and Rack Cards
Click on topics, below, to view multiple file formats to find the most suitable format for your clinic. Clicking on images within these topics will open files for you to download for printing. They are set up for common printing styles:
- Posters can be hung in waiting rooms or patient rooms to provide a snapshot of the hazard and prevention. They are available in standard page size (8.5 x 11 inch) and large format (11×17).
- Tri-fold brochures are printed on regular (8.5 x 11) paper, requiring two-sided printing. These can be made available in waiting or exam rooms.
- The rack cards are brief, two-sided cards to convey the essential information on the tri-fold brochures. These cards can be printed in-house, but images are also available to coordinate with online printers.
- The postcard also contains brief summary information that can be mailed to patients. There is a customized area on the back to include your clinic’s name and message.
Using your own printer? Just click on the images you’d like to print. Using a vendor like Vistaprint or Moo? Click on the .tif or .png files (see how to print for instructions for online print vendors).
Self-print Downloads
Click on the icon below to access and print the 11×17 poster.
Click on the icon below to access and print the 8.5×11 poster.
Click on the icon below to access and print the trifold brochure PDF.
Vendor Print Images
- Two .tif files for Vistaprint
- Two .png files for Moo
- Two .tif files for Vistaprint
- Two .png files for Moo
Slides for Media Screens
Hearing Loss Prevention
Skin Cancer
Vehicle Vibration